Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bullying 2

Hello Again♥
So, I'm not quite done with the bullying topic yet because there are a few things I wanted to discuss involving this topic. Okay, so let's say you're walking home from school one day when all of a sudden somebody comes over and pushes you down. You may or may not fight back. So let's say you do, this would be bad and good. It would be bad because you are also harming the other person. It wouldn't necessarily be good but you would be defending yourself. Let's say you don't fight back though, you get harmed even worse and the other person now thinks you can't fight back or you won't fight back at all. Neither decisions are good though. The bully wants a reaction from you but at the same time if you show you're weak they could continue harming you. Now let's do another example that is a little worse, let's say you're bullied a lot. One day you're at your locker when one of the people who bullies you comes over and starts calling you names, ugly, fat, stupid, etc. Now you could react and start hitting them or calling them names or you could ignore it. So, you start calling them names and then you start fighting with them. Do not do that. It doesn't matter what they say. You aren't supposed to please them, you're supposed to please yourself. And if people like that mess up your self-esteem remember this, you were born you. You weren't born to be like anybody else, you were born to be yourself. Now let's say you ignore it and walk away, that's good and bad. They could make it worse or they could just leave you alone. Have you realized though that in both examples the victim didn't tell anybody? That's because usually, that doesn't happen. But it won't end until you tell somebody. I don't care who but it needs to be somebody. If somebody bullies you online just print it out and show it to a teacher, counselor, part, or any adult. If you're bullied in school or out of school, just tell somebody. TELL SOMEBODY. It needs to end. Now let's say you're a bully, why? Why do you do this to people? You have somebody you can talk to if you do it because you're hurt. It's okay. Now if you're jealous of the person, stop. How do you think that person feels? You're making them feel like they aren't good enough. It shouldn't matter what you look like compared to other people. You are you for a reason. Now I think I made my point. Never give in. Never lose hope. Never back down. And most importantly, Never give up.

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