Sunday, May 27, 2012


Hey Everybody(: 
So the topic today is going to be about bullying.
First off- If you are bullied you need to tell somebody. You could tell a friend, counselor, family member, teacher, parent, anybody. Either way, you need to tell somebody because if not, it won't stop. 
Bullying is a problem that occurs everyday in many places in school and out of school. No matter where it happens, it is bad and it must be stopped. This problem can't go on forever, it causes things like depression, suicide, cutting and other forms of self-harm. Sometimes even though somebody may seem happy and confident, you might never know that they're depressed or have thought about suicide or have attempted suicide. 
The definition of bully on is this: a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. 
Bullies aren't always confident though. Everybody has there secrets. A bully could have grown up in a household that wasn't good for them meaning, they could have been abused physically and verbally so that's how they treat other people. Also, bullies may be insecure or depressed and they might take it out on other people to make them feel the hurt that they feel. Or in some cases they might just be mean or they could be jealous of the person they bully.  Another thing is that they want control and power.
Bullying is never good though, online, out of school in school, it still has the same effect. A person might be confident but no matter how confident somebody is, words still hurt, whether they admit it or not. Now, I won't lie, I'm not the nicest person you could meet, nowhere near it, but I will tell you one thing, every time I say something mean I immediately regret it because I know how it feels and it hurts, a lot. So I've been really trying to be nicer and I have a long way to go but I know I'm getting better. I won't say I was ever a bully but again, I wouldn't say I was nice either. I hope if you're bullied you will tell somebody because it needs to stop. If you know somebody who is bullied then you need to tell somebody, stand up and step up. This needs to end. It will not go on forever and one person can make a huge difference in society. 
Bye and I hope this helped.

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